PHONECO inc. | 19813 East Mill Road · Post Office Box 70 · Galesville, WI 54630 Phone: (608) 582-4124 · Fax: (608) 582-4593 Email: PHONECOINC@AOL.COM |
General Questions and Answers: PHONECO's How To Use This Site Page - (2) PHONECO's Home Page - (4) PHONECO's Textual Product Line Listing Page - None About PHONECO - None PHONECO's Policy - (1) PHONECO's Location - (2) Catalog Request - (1) Question: I have a pay phone or two, and my son is interested in procuring one. He is especially interested in dial-type chrome phones (3 slot). I am personally interested in the one you advertise as Pay 18. In any event, there are several of the type of interest to him on your web page, and I will point him there. In the meantime, I have requested a catalog. Question: are the offerings eclectic (put together from parts) or what? Also, do they work or can they be made to work (not for commercial but for personal uses)? Thanks for your help. Answer: Please call and ask to speak with Gary Trim who knows his stock inside and out. Order takers, like me, simply take orders and do not fully comprehend telephone composition. 608 582 4124, Doris PHONECO's Search - None PHONECO's Login - (1) Cookies - None Main Products Questions and Answers: - (43) Miscellaneous Products Questions and Answers: - (19) |