Shown here are variations. The backboard onto which concepts are mounted upon came from Odie Mahue, Gretna, VA in about 1980. Odie told us that besides having used old telephone backboards, the wood came from a 100+ year old mansion. This explains why most of the wood has the same feel as a 1895 wooden wallphone. Thus all of these backboards are old. The boxes mounted onto them are of original 1906-1929 manufacture. Magnetos have been removed but can be reinstalled for an additional $40-$80 depending on the scarcity. Bells, ringers, some switches & hooks & rotary dials are old. Bulldogs can be installed for no additional cost. Bulldogs are old. (see #WE2CB for example) Thus, 50% to 80% of this unit is old. Similar arrangements were used by telephone manufacturers prior to 1920. Backboard design varied & most were merely rounded at top and/or bottom. All phones ring, dial & talk, but can also be purchased in kit/as-is/piece-part form. Most any wall phone can be mounted on these old boards. Done here for $25 oak $33 walnut. Boards are $15 oak, $20 walnut. Other parts found throughout the catalogue or priced on inquiry. Pinstriping was used on many items including telephones and autmobiles prior to 1942. Pinstriping furthers the nostalgic attractiveness and can be had on most any of these for $10 additional. Be the only one in your block to have one of these done up 1st class. |